
Before you begin plowing up land for planting, let me tell you more about choosing the right fertilizer. Follow the advice and get ready to harvest vegetables.

Amazing Features That Flat Lock Tiles Can Offer Residential Roofs

24 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you're choosing new roof materials for the first time or having some replaced, you need to make a decision you can stand behind. One of the more unique options is flat lock tile. It's a special tile system that can give you a beautiful roof in no time. Here are some benefits that come with this material when used on residential roofs. Plenty of Customization Being able to customize different aspects of a roofing material ultimately makes it a lot easier to work with and set up. Read More …

2 Reasons To Use A Tractor Service To Fix Your Broken Farm Tractor

10 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a farmer, you need to make sure that all your equipment is ready to go when you need it. You can't do your plowing, planting, or harvesting if your tractor doesn't turn on, or if parts of it aren't working correctly. If something does happen to it, you need to make sure that you are getting it worked on by the right people. That means you need to work with a company that does tractor repair. Read More …

Top Things You Should Know About Growing Food Plots For Whitetail Deer

12 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a hunter, you might want to do what you can to attract whitetail deer to your property. If this is the case, then you might be interested in growing food plots. You might know of other hunters who do this, or you might have come across a little bit of information about these food plots when you were doing research about different ways to attract whitetail deer to your property. Read More …

Working With Your Local Agricultural Dealer To Keep Your Farm Running

16 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Farms of all sizes and types exist in the U.S., and most of these operations need support from agricultural equipment dealers to get some of the things they need or to keep the equipment they use operating correctly. Finding your local dealer and finding out what they can offer you can help keep your farm operating the way you want it to. Equipment Sales and Service Agricultural equipment dealers often carry several different equipment brands, but they can often get parts for just about anything you are running on the farm. Read More …

Need To Purchase A Spool Trailer For Your Farm? 3 Factors To Consider

11 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you need to purchase a new spool trailer for your farm, you need to think carefully about what features you need so that you purchase a spool trailer that will meet your needs. There are lots of different options and choices when it comes to spool trailers, so having a clearer idea of what you need will help streamline the shopping process. Factor #1: Weight Capacity First, determine how much weight you need your trailer to support. Read More …

About Me
Gardening Basics: Choosing the Best Fertilizer

If you walk into a home and garden shop asking for a bag of fertilizer, be prepared to answer a couple of questions. That's because not all types of fertilizers are equal. I learned that lesson the very first year I planted my backyard garden. My goal was to grow vegetables, so I didn't need fertilizers that were intended to help flowers grow. I did need a product that would add certain nutrients to the soil that were not currently present. Fortunately, the owner of the local feed shop asked me a few questions and was able to direct me to a product that was right for my needs. Before you begin plowing up land for planting, let me tell you more about choosing the right fertilizer. Follow the advice and get ready to harvest enough vegetables to feed your family and still give some away to friends.